CONTACT: 323-314-7788

Scott Leva
Stunt Coordinator/2nd Unit Director
Precision Stunts Safety Specialists
Multi Award winning/nominated Stunt Coordinator and Equipment company for the Motion Picture Industry today.
Using state of the art high tech designs to change the way stunts can be performed.

A Bit About Me
High Falls, Fights Specialized rigging. Stunt Coordinator & 2nd Unit Director, Scott Leva has worked and created action on numerous films and television productions. Credits include "X-Men", "Terminator: The Sarah Connors Chronicles", "Desperate Housewives" and "Flags Of Our Fathers" to name a few.
Back in 1997 his close friend and fellow stuntman Paul Dallas passed away due to a tragic high fall mishap. Many industry standard airbags had faults and wanting to make a difference, Scott used his experience and founded an innovative design to create a softer, more durable, and most importantly, safer airbag!
Standard airbags and some still on the market today would bounce or slide the performer out of the bag if they hit off center. The Precision Airbag will catch the jumper safely inside the bag, no matter what part of the surface they hit.
A Little Humble Brag

Acadamy Award® Winner 2005 Technical Achievement Award
for the design and development of the Precision Stunt Airbag
Primetime Emmy® Engineering Award 2008For The Precision Stunt Airbag
World Stunt Award (Taurus Award) Nominee 2003
Best Overall Stunt By A Stuntman
Best High Work